Archive for Soul Shrine

Eelycese, Lavir Ro Erom

Ye deserve this spot all this long and yet because of me laziness me did not do anything about it.  Well, lets get started.   What are you? this is one of the enigma that intrigue me.  Me sense a certain uniqueness within ye and it took me long to decipher ye.  Probably me lack the eye of the heart at that stage and it is only base on me pure instinct that me m able to tell something special exist within you.

At that moment, ye presence spawn a certain rivalry and admiration at the same time.  Yet the sense of rivalry was stronger that time.  The urge of not wanting to lose and me inferiority made me develop meself in a matter of a short time.  Ye are me first Tarazat that opens the door which will set forth the potential to the opening of more doors.  In short, ye, me rival, not just any rival but a special one.

Ye skills and knowledge which I acknowledge, however yet thou possess something more, the limitless flowing energy within you.  With that alone has shown that thou and me are on a totally different level where ye greatly outclass me.  What makes thee able to possess that energy? What is ye source?  Till now me m unable to answer those question.  Yet they no longer matter to me as me have found me source of energy that is able to match that of ye.

Ye have become me rival whereby only a pure positive competition exist.  This rivalry is unlike those of the heart of a child.  Me question meself what makes me chose ye as a rival and why not others.  For some reason me no longer find the need to challenge those of me kind as understanding them is similar to challenging meself.  But ye kind has always be a mystery to me.  Thus making this rivalry a worthy task for me to accomplish.

However as me develop the tools necessary to be on par with ye or even wanted to outshine ye, me gradually find that this positive rivalry is also opening up many different possibility.  Ye are no longer just a rival, ye are also someone special, yet me can no longer define what ye represent.  Ye are just more than that — undefinable.  Me can live with that because thanks to ye, me manage to survive till the fourth Tarazat.

Me owed you a great deal for ye have taught me some important lessons in life and yet ye don’t know about it.  Oh well the truth does not matter as long it is within the heart.  Me don’t think this has ended as me know that there is more me still can gain from thee.  Don’t slack for me don’t know where me may go next.  Until then, the journey must continue and me hope we cross path in future ^.^

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Paka, 粉肠 Em Tseb Nerf

This spot is dedicated to you specially for ye station in me very heart, as long as me recall, joy is the only word that describe me feeling when we were together.  Its juz weird that how two people juz click and not a moment of unpleasantness, unease, sorrow, pain, fear….. me feel when with you.
Asking long me have and finding out what mystery that forge this covalent binding.  Me once brag that ye the one that understand me most than even me blood related, however, though u seems to know what me think at times yet me feel weird that me concealing trick actually confuse ye.  But no worrys for ye have been granted special rights that was not given to others.  Further research indicate that the bonding is not that simply explain by mere understanding of the heart.
Recently it occur that it is somehow related to the Heart of A Child,  ye are the only one that really like to challenge me in any possible way that befit us.  From 锄大2, 围棋, A-Maths, general knowledge, starcraft, AoE, shoot on goals…… practically anything that have the feel of competition can be made to a game by us. Pure childishness people may call this,  but to me this is life.  Ya childish it may seems but the real reason the bonding is so strong is because it has been fueled by the unique energy of childishness.  Those challenges, those games, they are what that made me childish again – in other words purity of the heart.
Never have me have the wonderful feeling of peace and serenity when in a battle that me eagerly want to win.  If thou would to understand that me yearning for action without the chase of result, thou would really understand why ye are irreplacable in the special station establish for ye in me heart.  Found out that everything in life is a game, challenge and battle, however each battle makes me fear the end result or even the fear of losing.  The funny thing is challenges from ye or competing with ye never spawn any feeling of fear or worry over the outcome.  This is why every battle and challenges involving us is pure in nature, whereby me exert me very best yet not bothering what the outcome for it is the fulfilment of the process that is obtained that really bring me joy.  This is life, this is the right path, ye are one valuable lesson taught to me in life.  A salute to the SVR supreme leader.
Oh ya one more thing, in our final encounter on the petak petak paper, me lastsy ball ball you… when will ye avenge ye last defeat, me will be waiting. 

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