Archive for October, 2006

Talisman of future and past

Clothed in a silken velvet lies within the talisman of light.  Ordinary at sight, simplicity it enveloped, it embodied one of the many well-spring of spiritual flow. 
The talisman bring two lumminaries one symbolizing future while the other representing the past.  At the present moment, the lumminary of future shineth resplendent over of the other signalling what is to come.  As the sand drip from the hour glass, each passing moment consumeth the heart bit by bit.  The reminder of the coming brings a sense of sorrow and grief.  Departing of what that was not appreciated and concerned or was it taken for granted.  How much time left before all shall be past? What more can be done to saviour these last moments?  These are now resonating loud in me.  A heavy heart to leave all that was established it seems or rather the fear, the fear of losing something and possibly forever.  Changes occured where we were to bear and endure, know this and live with it.
The lumminary of the past which lay dormant at present.  Its soothing effect locked up unable to reveal for the period of recall ain’t now.  This part will be me treasured memory that will be brought along as me thread the path.  It seems that the ever changing fluid of life have its own sign behind.  None were mend to bring sorrow but true happiness instead.
‘O son of man! For everything there is a sign.  The sign of love is fortitude under My decree and patience under My trials.’
Thanx for that befall, thanx all for being there, thanx in particular for playing a part of me growth….  Deeply in gratitude and unable to repay thy loving kindness that were bestowed upon me by thee.  What me m capable is to share such spirit ye show forth to me and bring such light to as many as possible.  THANK YOU ^.^ありがとう

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The New Dawn

"I was told that we have to describe and give more examples in our assigments (business subjects), in fact what they want are just… BULLSHIT", out of the mouth of a angel from Yurobi. HAHAHAHAHA
An episode that is worth remembering and may be the marking of the completion of system refresh.  Thanks to friend, thanx to fate, thanx to opportunity, thanx to luck, thank God what me thought that will be of nothing was actually a blessing beyond me wildest dream in disguise.  The unexpected shocked the very expected bringing hope, answers, knowledge, realization, truth and ultimately a step closer to the neverending journey. 
Paka, you were right that how me have grown to be more mature.  Proud to acknowledge, indeed we have seek the truth, answers and knowledge that was once puzzling our very mind.  After earning the spirit bear, me now able to accomplish feats that was once a sickness of the heart.  Amazingly the fear of perception and the need of recognition was no longer lingering around.  The fluent speech out of the heart with not an ounce of caution and advance forecast was uttered out while in the presence of strangers before.  How can or rather what have made such great leap in individual achievement be reached?
Not long ago the immunity of the iron curtain was providing protection to everything, unexpectedly or maybe some blessing that were meant to change the very structure and foundation that have been established.  Opening windows that where shut and changing the light that was once recieved to a greater variety of colours and beauty.   Protection in a form of openess instead of isolation, immunity power from a source yet to be identified, taste of what the opposite pole that have been tasting, the only difference is me have both the taste andthe understanding behind it.  It must be lunar’s light of truth that wrought this very change, the poison have turn to the honey of the sweetest choice. 
Can’t wait, can’t wait to share with ye the wonderful encounter, me m anticipating the progress that ye will be achieveing in this very month as the suns of korhal has forseen.  However, take caution of the new power that have been bestowed, for self may corrupt me essence. 
What have been installed for me is just wonderful……..

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