Archive for December, 2006

The Merchant, Wiseman, the King, Friend, Lover and the Shadow

     There lives a man who was actually a boy, wandering in the middle of no where.  He gazed at the stars in the glittery sky, counted the drops in the drizzly rain and read the signs of the altering clouds.  As though he was searching for something yet he was not sure what it was. 
     While threading in the unknown, a merchant with a kind of extravagant splendour emerges out of no where.  Delighted in seeing the man, the merchant approached and greeted: ‘Hey there young man! I have been looking for you.’  In shocked, the man asked: ‘Who are you and what do you want of me?’ ‘I’m the merchant and a very wealthy one indeed,’ the merchant replied. ‘I have a offer to make and it is a good one I guarantee!’  Curious and intrigued, the young man questioned: ‘What do you have for me?’  ‘Hohoho…. Wealth is what I have and plenty of it I have. I will bestow upon you wealth of immeasurable proportion. The wealth you will have can never be depleted and imagine what wonders you can make with it. Of course, in return I want your heart for it,’ the merchant proposed.  The man exclaimed: ‘What!!? My…my heart! Won’t I die without my heart, what used is wealth when I’m not around to enjoyed it!’  The merchant explained: ‘Oh no no no no. Not your whole heart exactly, just the essence of it. You won’t die once we trade. You will just feel different and of course filthily stinkingly RICH, that’s all.  The young man pondered in deep thoughts.  The merchant furthered: ‘Well you do need to reply me so soon. I will let you try out the feel of being rich for a month.  After that if you feel that you would like to have all the wealth no man could dream having, then we shall close the deal.’  After finishing what he have to say, the merchant vanished and the young man was left with the wealth as promised by the merchant. 
     A month has passed, the merchant returned.  Filled with anticipation, the merchant asked: ‘So young man, life looks good for you. What do you say of our trade? Is it a deal or not?’  The young man replied: ‘Well, for the passed month life have been very good for me. I have done lots of things that I’m unable to do in the past. I visited many places, enjoyed the rarest and finest luxuries money can buy. Besides, I have also done a great deal of charity work: aiding the poor and needy around the world.  It was a great experience.’  The merchant interrupted: ‘Then it will be a deal!’  ‘No wait!’ the man shouted.  The merchant was puzzled.  ‘It is true that I have enjoyed the wealth you have bestowed me with. However, I got to say NO this time.’  ‘No? Why no? This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Think about it!’  The young man confidently replied: ‘To tell you the truth, having such great wealth is not what I have been searching for. So I got to decline your offer. You won’t believe that I once felt rich even without the wealth you gave me.  Having able to satisfy my needs and occasionally rewarding myself with the pleasures of life is already sufficient for me. Besides, there is no great difference in pleasure and satisfaction between living a moderate life and a luxurious one except that the price tag for luxury is always higher. Moreover, the deeds that I have done with the wealth obtained effortlessly seems to be missing some meaning in it.’  After listening to the young man’s respond, the merchant went off in disappointment, the splendour of wealth that once surrounds him just faded as though he is a pauper that owns nothing.
     Not long after, along came a wiseman whose shaggy appearance gave a perfect impression of his profound intellect and immense wisdom.  The wiseman approached the man with a smile on his face and uttered: ‘Young one, long have I sought thee. I’m the wiseman whose wisdom surpassed the people of this age and of the next. The purpose I revealed myself to thee is because I have a proposition to make.’  Startled by the sudden emergence of the wiseman, the young man replied: ‘Err… what can I do for you, O Wise One?’  ‘For ages many have been seeking to unravel the knowledge and mysteries the universe holds. None came closed as this knowledge is too immense for their capability to comprehend. Where else I may grant thee the capacity to comprehend these inestimable wisdom and knowledge and even more, for in return thy heart I sought. More accurately, the essence of thy heart is what I yearned.’ the wiseman professed.  Once again intrigued, the young man pondered hard.  As the man recollects the proposition made to him, the wiseman responded: ‘Hurry not young one, for in advance I shall grant thee wisdom and knowledge. After a month, if thou felt like accepting my offer then will our trade be sealed. Beamaze and discover the wonders and mysteries that were once kept unknown, hahahaha……’  The wiseman faded out of the scene.  The young man’s intellect and capability was tremendously boosted, his comprehension capacity kept growing in conjunction with the continuous surge of knowledge and information that flows in.
     A month went by and as promised, the wiseman reappear before the young man.  ‘A month may be long or may be short depending on which perspective one discerned it from. This period was a wait for me but it was brief for thee. This is what they meant by RELATIVITY. I wish thou have good news for me.’ uttered the wiseman as you can see the enthusiasm his eyes.  The young man replied relunctantly: ‘As much as I hate to but your kind offer I must really decline.’ In awe and shock, the wiseman was stunned.  The man humbly continued: ‘Time was fast during the pass month. Though I have accomplished what most scholars won’t be able to in a millennium, yet there is still more awaiting to disclose their secrets. I got to admit that this brief period of inquisition was an exciting one for me. Yet acquisition of evermore knowledge is no longer my primary purpose in life as it was used to be. Knowledge and wisdom is infinite and learning can never end. What used is gaining lots of knowledge when those gained cannot be utilized fully for the betterment of humanity. Now I’m contented with the little intelligence I have and would rather explore the world at my own pace. One never knows what little wisdom lies behind everything no matter how big or small it is.’  The young man’s respond left the wiseman speechless and overwhelmed.  Having realised how his ignorance have blinded him, he left the young man and walked off in thoughts.  
     The young man continued on his search.  Next, he saw another person came by.  Sense of royalty was emanating from the kingly figure whose majestic and dignified station causes all to glorify Him.  ‘Good day My humble subject. I’m the Supreme Ruler over all the known world, Exalted beyond all men. It is only out of My merciful will that you may addressed Me as the King.’ boasted the king.  Filled with awe, the young man replied: ‘King… Oh I mean your Majesty! What brings your Majesty here?’  With a majestic pride, the king exclaimed: ‘This is your lucky day. Right now, lay in front of you is the opportunity to gain all the power that befits a true king and the status which is beyond common man.  Both power and status that I have for you is absolute and undisputable, well beyond God-like I got to say.’  ‘Let me guess you Majesty. In return for the power and status you would like my heart I assume.’ interrupted the young man. 
<to be continued>

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Sweet Eelycese

In a familiar place not long ago, the warmth and comforting current surrounds the room.  Friendly faces which pose no sense of foreigness yet unable to identify, only 3 whose identity outshine: Eelycese and friend and Paka by me side!  For long me should and finally me did, for it is me responsibility as a friend to inform.  Me broke the news by saying the number will no longer be in used for a year or two.  Eelycese gave a brief look and then acted as though nothing has occurred.  Me heart was puzzled as not a single response was detected in the air.  The comforting thought was that me m no longer is her affairs.  Brief moment later when me was in deep thought, Eelycese sang which was a rare sight for me.  This is the first time me hear the melody out of Eelycese.  Dare say me, such a sweet voice coupled with the very song which brings up heavenly enchanting feel that causes every heart (or at least my at that very moment) to throb.  None that have been heard till now could be compared with the mesmerizing waves that have been heard for this will be the first and also the last.
Just when me was trying to grasp the euphoric atmosphere, the mists and clouds which encapsulate dispelled and the heavenly melody went into extinction which me know will never be heard again.  CRAP………
This is a premonition for me day indicating something to do with Eelycese will occur.  Speaking of the devil, long have me heard from Eelycese.  Ever since the incident, that was the last time me saw her and after me knew she is in safe hands, me left the spot not wanting to meddle in her affairs.  A year later, a summoning urge calls me back to the very spot in shock to find that Eelycese left that very place a month after me did.  This is puzzling as the last portal to her affairs was no longer present.  What was disturbing were her last few thoughts she left before forsaking the spot. 
As me set out for me day, working on what that must be done in a place where the elements does not agree.  Each second me spend there corrupt the equilibrium of me well being.  The wave of busyness assault me, in the midst of confusion me saw the long lost Eelycese.  Is it her? For me facial recognition is full with flaw and busy at that time me kept on with me task occassionally catching a glimpse at her.  As she walk towards me, is as though we never knew each other.  Maybe it ain’t Eelycese.  But the striking resemblance reminds me of sweet Eelycese.  The unique smile of Eelycese has shown itself once more or was it just an illusory mirage.
It really disturbing as the path awaiting Eelycese is unlike any other, maybe it was just me perspective.  Worst still is the silent mood and not an echo worries the Ponderer.  But one thing is fo sure, Eelycese life is ain’t what me can comprehend or live it even with the coherence of the elements that encircle me.  For all me knew sweet Eelycese is more than what she seems and she will eventtually prevail.  The promise will be kept Oh Dear one.  The pact of heart wll last and me shall fulfil what me vow thee. 
[12/2/07] another part of the mystery of Mokku has found its answer, the council can rest on this, the greater sun shines resplendent once more…..

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Pasar Malam Pikom

TIRING Day– The Goat have enter the chicken pen!
Me was summoned by 伟哥 the Great to visit the PC fair in KL Convention Centre near the ‘Jagung’ Twin Towers.  This was me first ever visit to any PC fair where inorganics manifest itself!  As a noob me definitely need a tour guide.  伟哥 the Great became handy due to his profound knowledge in computer electronics and was naturally being appointed as me 军师 of the day.   
As an old horse of the M’sian PC fair, 伟哥 the Great lead me through the labyrinth of the convention centre directly to the fair.  We saw a number of people taking detours (wrong way probably) ending up God knows where. The PC fair was divided into sections or halls whereby the Hall 1 and 2 is located on the upper floor while the remaining Hall 3, 4 and 5 on the lower floor. 
Entering The Halls on the upper floor, great branded hardwares were on displayed!  Everything on this floor looks superBly grand, as most of the booths have their very own M’sian GT Queens (PC Queens) promoting or pestering (a more suitable term to be used) the crowd.  You should see and smell the excessive make-up and fragrance which is a keep away signal for me as they stinks (No offense: the looks is appealing but the fragrance is just suffocating, I NID FRESH AIR).  Me wonder are we suppose to appreciate the computers and electronic gadgets on display or to enjoy the sight of pretty PC Queens.  Anyway, me managed to get a glimpse on the advancement of computer engineering.  According to 伟哥 the Great, most of the Mama-board on displayed there were actually made in Taiwan, the taiwanese technology in this area is currently top of the world.  The Asus Mama-board with their multiple awards, functions and capability just excite me 军师 causing him to give me lectures after lectures on computer electronics.   Too bad me m only interested in organics and me reception for inorganics is partially nulled!  The only thing me learned is that Mama-board with a hook present uses Intel processor while no hook uses non-Intel processor (just can’t recall the other processor’s name: izit MCC or MMC). 
Entering The Halls on the lower floor however give me an entirely different impression of the PC fair.  According to 伟哥 the Great, the upper floors are the cream of the pie where branded gadgets and flashy display can be seen.  The lower floors are the garage of the PC fair where disemembered computer components and accessories were to be seen and not to forget that you won’t find any PC Queens on the lower floor!  The placed was packed with people browsing from booth to booth negotiating prices and spending cash.  This place is like a Night Market: Pasar Malam Pikom whereby cries like 来来来! USB 1Gb 55块, 512Mb 37块! or LAST DAY SALES! LAST DAY SALES! **** Printer very CHEAP! No Buy Rugi!!!
WOW, 时世艰难,赚钱更难!M’sian PC fair unlike PC fair’s in other countries is more about disposing of their products rather than showing off or displaying computers and their relevant accessories.  After browsing from booth to booth, we left the fair and went for our lunch.
Round 2 Begin!!!
With meal time over, we revisited the fair crawling our way back in battling the growing crowd back to the lower ground.  Apparently the fair was designed as such that we have to go through from Hall 1 to Hall 5 till we reach the exit.  This time me 军师 is back to grab some essential acessories of his own.  We move through the upper floor and reach the garage floor.  The place was swarming with people, so easy let people 抽水.  Joining the crowd, me just like a little boat being pushed around.  The worst part is that, me feet hurts not because of walking but due to poor equipment.  Equiped with a pair of sandals and socks which already contributed to me low body armour, me have been repeatedly assaulted at the foot by the stampeding herd of people.  Me 军师 unable to make a choice from the variety of products caused me to endure constant damage done to me poor O foot.
Finally, 伟哥 the Great made up his mind and bargained with the female shop assistant.
伟哥 the Great: 30块 可以吧?
靓女: 不能嘞! Standard 了的!
伟哥 the Great: 30块啦!
靓女: 不能啦!35!
伟哥 the Great: 30啦!
靓女: 不能啦!35!
(after repeating this for ten times or more)
伟哥 the Great: Ok 啦! 我去别的地方看看!
If me were to bargain, the result will end up as below:
Me: 30块 可以吧?
靓女: 不能嘞! Standard 了的!
Me: 30块啦!
靓女: 35!
Me: 30啦!
靓女: 35!
Me: 30啦!
靓女: 39!
Me: 好啦39吧!
(this shows how me became every salespersons favourite customer =.=")
As we were about to leave that sadin can, me saw me agri senior and her dad enjoying the close encounter with the crowd! 
Bye bye Pasar Malam Pikom! 

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