Archive for October, 2008

Aesop Fable (modern version)

Once upon a time in a place overrun with monkeys, a man appeared and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each.  The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest, and started catching them. 

The man bought thousands at $10 and as supply started to diminish, they became harder to catch, so the villagers stopped their effort.  The man then announced that he would now pay $20 for each one.  This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. 

But soon the supply diminished even further and they were harder to catch, so people started going back to their farms and forgot about monkey catching.  The man increased his price to $25 each and the supply of monkeys became so sparse that it was an effort to even see a monkey, much less catch one.  The man now announced that he would buy monkeys for $50!  However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on his behalf. 

While the man was away the assistant told the villagers.  "Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has brought.  I will sell them to you at $35 each and when tghe man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for $50 each’.

The villagers rounded up all their savings and brought all the monkeys.  They never saw the man nor his assistant again and once again there were monkeys everywhere.

Now we have a better understanding of how the stock market works.

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Heart give Heart

After the realization of the concept of soup boiling…

By the way, the concept of soup boiling states that the longer you boil the soup, the reward is greater.  Exquisite taste can only be attained through slow extraction.  However, there must also be a time frame for boiling before the soup dries out.  If that is the case, go search for the same herbs or other more finer herbs.  There are also many kinds of herbs, however, the lesson on herbology will be discussed another time.  This concept was conceived by the diamond chef and mingci…

…this lead us to the next concept: the heart give heart concept.  Before this came into final conception.  From the earlier concept of soup boiling, we have finally understand part of the flow of life.

"haahhahaa… no wor… my sense
is super early than you"

This unravel some mysteries about 太阳公公.  It seems that I may end up on the same path too eventually.

"you not
need… you need
to attract more one"

So it seems that I have my own path to walk.

"but you have to make a own sky
own space mah"

Yes, my own sky and own space, I will try to fit as many people as possible.  That is my sky and my space, that is what that will make me happy.  With this, the heart give heart concept is finally born.

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Bloom lavender Bloom: Useful Herbal Scent

The neglected sense, smell, discern the surroundings from a different perspective.  The sense of smell speaks neither truth nor lie…  They tell of the situation rather…

-improve sleep and relaxation, may help people who are depressed and have abnormal sleeping difficulties.
-lavender blooming will cleanse this land from the moonnight…
-jasmine may also have the same effect…

Lemon and peppermint
-experiencing the state of alert productivity, like drinking a excellent cup of java (or ‘chuan lam’, haha) coffee to some people…
-sustaining attention and focus… peppermint.
-improvement of concentration… lemon (crushed lemon-scented tea tree leaves).

The world of smell is wonderful… embrace this neglected sense and uncover a whole new world of mystery ^^

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炸到 advertisment

When the world goes crazy, people tend to do funny things.  Two highly rational bastards turn irrational.  The outcome, craziness and chaos.

The ultimate marketing strategy… crazy ad.


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Our true enemy is always our very own self.’
 – Leonardo da Mingci

What is there to lose?  This was the question pipi and I were discussing.  Pride seems to be the final thing it seems.  There are different types of pride within each of us. 

Is it possible to lose all pride? 

Let go?? then the person need to die liao…, pipi

Wow, pride seems to be a stumbling block for many people.  How to escape from the clutches of pride? 

Forget about oneself and survive for others, Mingci

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The Golden Path

Jill-u san said, ‘If you leave something behind too long you eventually may not be part of it.  I think two years is long enough and it is time to return.’
Without even mentioning, she struck straight to the point which was concealed deep within me.  Something that I was not willing to admit.  Thinking back, I think she is right. 
Ylimaf is waiting.  Our bond seems stronger than before.  This reminds me of an ancient compatriot where I met in this forsaken land.  He once told me that he is also a ylimaf person.  Such a great person is willing to return.  I think we both share a common thought.  Now I truly understand ylimaf and its importance to me. 
You can go away so long.  Eventually you have to return while they are still there.  The bond that ties us resonates the waves of return.  Return to recharged the spirit, before the next expidition begins.
When we probe into the alternate pathway, we see clouds of anxiety.  It will be tough but not impossible.  Seems like darken path that we will not take.  The price for that path is too high (in spirituality terms) and it may alter our path for better or for worst.  This is definitely not the Golden Path.

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Tears of the Iceman

The iceman shed a tear…

We are amaze with this new transformation.  It seems that the iceman indifference is the ultimate protection to pain.  Iceman’s ability to shed tears is a sign that the seeking of the exquisite taste is on.  Looks like it is not entirely due to advance self level.  We will be vigilant to make sure that self do not cause us pain.

Unfathomable potential, lets see what we can do.

We are another step closer to the unreachable ultimate growth.

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"It is a good day to die",

True enough.  Finally, we get what we wanted to know.  The transformation and this event, is it a coincidence? 

When the clouds clear, the light will shine a path.  At least it is clearer now. 

Life is wonderful.  Don’t worry, we already anticipated that.  It hurts but we need to know.  The hunger for clarity and truth, yet while seeking for answers we always hurt others.  Please don’t feel pain.  Just let us devour and consume it.  This is the OTHER way that we can move on.

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Beyond the border of sanity

Beyond the border of sanity, we push our limits. 

The great change has occurred and we have lost the skill we take pride in: ‘soul perception’…

In order to advance to a higher perception level, the consequences is losing our basic understanding of perception.  Is it a mistake?  We are gradually losing our understanding of humans’ feelings and perception.  It seems that we have to relearn the basics once more.

Everything seems familiar, yet at the same time foreign.  We have encountered them before, but we just can’t recall.

Speculation raises the point that advance self level may be the culprit.  From here on, we seems to be on our own. 

Taste is gradually losing and a pitiful state we are in.  It seems that a more exquisite taste is what we seeketh.

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